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Thursday, June 16, 2011

summer must. coffee in your coffee.

iced coffee bliss. thats right, BLISS. so straight forward you'll be kicking yourself on why you haven't (and some of you have) thought of this before. i make a huge pot every day and stash in my fridge overnight for cooling... but it only takes about 2 hours so brew at will, just give yourself time. end goal: dont dilute the brew!

How to:
1. brew a big pot of coffee. 2. pour coffee in your favorite ice tray - different sizes and shapes are a way to really have fun with it! place the rest of the coffee in the fridge.

3. add cubes to coffee, sweeten to taste.

...and be SO proud of yourself for your super-efficient mode of caffeinating yourself!

ps. super clever tip to add on to this caffeinated phenomenon: iced tea cubes. lemon cubes in water?! making the cubes flavored or adding tea leaves gives the everyday beverages a fun twist. here is another i came across - raspberry tea with mint leaves. brilliant!


  1. Kristy I love this! I have thought of freezing creamer in ice cube trys in our vacation condo so it won't go bad since we are only there a few days at a time and I don't feel like rushing out to buy coffee creamer first thing in the morning.

  2. a clever idea, Katie!! I use a coffee cube in every hot cup of brew I have, and I have weened myself off of cream but skill splash with skim. I told my boyfriend about this last night and he flipped! He is a creamer, haha. Im going to start making my trays with half coffee half skim cubes. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Love your blog Kristy and the pictures are great!
